
Collide Church exists to see people experience a life-changing collision with God through the gospel of Jesus. No matter your stage of life, we believe that you should be taking a next step in your faith. Below are some ways to immediately get connected at Collide.


Crash Course is the starting point for all things Collide. It covers information on our history, staff introductions, community groups, volunteer opportunities, baptism, church membership, and more. We offer this course periodically on Sunday mornings at 10:30am. RSVP for our next Crash Course at the link below and let us know you're coming!


At Collide we believe that we were made for community. Through the connections made in our community groups, we pray that you experience long-lasting friendships, a growing faith, and a strengthened relationship with God. If you're ready to find a group that fits you, fill out our questionnaire below and we will be in touch!


Through Collide Kids (birth-5th grade) and Collide Students (6th-12th grade) we aim to partner with parents in raising children and teenagers who honor Christ with their lives. Collide Kids takes place every Sunday morning during each worship service. Collide Students meets on Sundays at 5:00pm.